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1. undated interview with Nainggolan
grade school education
previous life as a gelandangan
between 1970-74 he and his wife lived as gelandangan 
and he organized 1500 gelandangan; major motivation to protect themselves against fires set by govn.[[government]]
another motivation was death of his son which he 
blames on impoverished environment and unwillingness 
of anybody to help them
altho he has received assistance from foreign donors, no Indonesians willing to help; recalls period from 68-69 when living in Kali Malang Kampung in cardboard gubuks along river bank; once every 2 months the gubuks burned
Nainggolan's basic method to contact lurah and camat so kampungs won't be burned again, then to look for solutions such as transmigration, repatriating to villages, rehabilitation, etc.
in 75 Nainggolan moved to Pasar Minggu and began his career as a social worker
between 72-74 he helped enroll 2000 people in the transmigration program — mostly from Kali Malang area but also from Tanah Abang Bongkaran
acknowledges a lot of problems in sending gelandangan to become transmigrants — first they are not farmers, second they are placed on difficult land and not given the support facilities prom .ised, third many households not harmonious because forced marriages for purposes of departure requirements only
cities problem of "polusi perkotaan" or conspicuous consumption on part of haves which causes gelandangan to feel aid is their right
Nainggolan here says he is a Christian
says working with LSP on the K.S> project and LSP teaching him money management and how to work within legal system; but N. says often difficult to work with the lembagas because they don't understand how long it takes to affect changes in attitudes and behaviour of the gelandangan
admits that it took him 6 years to learn to stop drinking and beating his wife

2. undated article from Dewi magazine, issue 90
concerns 100 families from Pondok Seng and K.S. who were moved to Jonggol, located about 40 K. from Cibinong, Bogor
Jonggol the kecamatan and the desa is Sukajaya
this article identifies N. as a social worker from Yayasan Usaha Mulia
hosues in Sukajaya from bamboo with neatly arranged palawidja gardens
says here that in 1972 Naing. arranged transmigration of 100 families from Kali Malang to Lampung, but all came back
rest of article on Jonggol project, including map of new settlement

3, April 27, 83, Tempo (translation)
a few weeks ago squatters settlement along the Malang River in E.[[East]] Jak [[Jakarta]] a battleground for squatters and city demolition squads
a few days before the demolition city authorieis using a sound trudh warned the illegal inhabitations about the coming demolition and urged them to dismantle voluntarily, but few heeded the warning
about 500 homes, some equipped illegally with electricity demolished
dlegation sent by squatters from another kampong, Pondok Kelapa in E. Jak. , was turned down by Govn. [[GOvernor]] Suprapto who is determined to lay down the law
many feel, acc.[[according]] to article, that privious governor Tjokropranolo was too easy on squatters and other street people
officials say the clean up not only necessary to clear govn.[[governement]] -owned land for other uses, but also to free Kali Malang from pollution
a resident of Kali Malang area protested, however, that they have their own rubbish and toilet facilities in their homes and some even have water pumps, so they not responsible for pollution
plan is to clean up banks of Kali Malang all the way to Bekasi; many of the dwellings to the east toward Bekasi are inhabited by traders and double as places of business