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Transcription: [00:39:16]

{SPEAKER name="James Forman"}
But I think its important that you understand that he has made a commitment to the negro struggle and that he is willing to go wherever possible whenever he can,
to aid us to observe and to write about the experiences. I think we saw him, we heard him speaking here at Howard about a month ago where he was recalling some of the experiences that he had in Selma, Alabama.

This is very important, that a man with the type of audience that he has involves himself completely in the struggle because it's not our struggle its his struggle too and when he gets through talking I know we will all feel it's our struggle - James Baldwin.


{SPEAKER name="James Baldwin"}
Thank you very much, can you all hear me in the back?

Alright, I hardly know what I'm going to talk about but I'll say from the beginning that what I would really like to do

is explore some of the things which are on my mind, and then we can explore some of the things that are on your mind.

So that if you'll allow me I won't try to make a speech but I'll try to get a discussion started.

I really don't like making speeches. And in this case I think that perhaps we can learn a great deal from each other because I am here really, I must say - and I mean this - to learn what I can from you.

I must say that one thing struck me while I was sitting