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most beautiful baldwin apples just opened for .25 a doz she bakes them two at a time without sugar. they taste fine kept in cold storage they dont lose their flavor. I never saw apples any larger.
I am looking for Kelley every day he said with in a fortnight. if she had not brought hers I should have missed the time greatly.
I am going to finish my letter. it will be posted this afternoon she wants to go down to the movies. it will give her something to cheer her up & forget herself. I can do as I am a mind to. that is a fact I did not feel like goin into my own pantry Lena seems like own folks we have known her so long. Mrs. Osborne was very good she was faithful & unselfish also. but altogether to neat & terribly sensetive we both were. but we got along well. she was a little worker. everything went her way. but her sitting and sewing all day is going to be hard for the stomac. hers always has been weak.
All the day before something told me we have lived together long enough. then the thought would turn to her going to leave. so in a way I seemed to be forewarned. its so plain to me I am always looked out for by some unseen power. it may be God my education in that respect was never fully developed so help me. well do be careful Ma