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Brattleboro, Vermont. Sept. 27th 1866

Rev. Mr. Manly

Dear Sir.
I learn by a letter from Mr. Chase dated Sept 20th that you would probably accept the Richmond Agency of the N.E.F.A. Society. I have also a letter from Miss Stevenson, Secretary of the Teachers committee of that association, dated Sept. 17th in which she says, "at a meeting of the comm. on the 3rd Sept. it was agreed to continue the Industrial work in Washington and Richmond. The bakery building having been granted to this Society, a letter was next morning (Sept 4th) dispatched to Mr. Manly requesting him, while fitting up two of the buildings for schools, to prepare the smaller one on Fouché Street, for the Industrial school."

Mr. Chase informs me that there will be plenty of room to continue the work as it was begun last winter, but he does not say how soon the rooms