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Hd qrs. Sub. Disct. Matthews/Gloucester Cos
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Matthews C.H. Va Apl 14th/67

Genl S.C. Armstrong

In compliance with Cir. No 5, War Dept. Bureau R.F.& A.L. dated Washington Feby 20th 1867. I have the honor to submit the following report.

There are at present no schools for colored children in operation, within the limits of my Sub-District.

There are in the County of Matthews some two hundred colored children between the ages of six and twenty one years; who could attend School during the summer months - of course as seasons of the year when they would not be engaged in the field, the number would be much larger, say perhaps a third.

The more intelligent of the Freedpeople earnestly desire the Establishment of Schools for their children, and profess to be willing to help by every means in their power, and to perhaps pay a small portion of the teachers salary.