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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen. and A Lunds.
Head Drs. Sub Asst Commir. 6th Sub District. Va.
Fredericksburg. Va. May 1867.
Rev R. M. Manly.
Supt Education. State of Va.
Richmond. Va.


   In compliance with your communication of date April 15. 1867. - relative to occupation of buildings for School pur-poses by Northern Charatable associations I have the honor to report that there is but one building in my Sub District thus occupied - Viz. the Baptist Church located at Fred-ericksburg - which is owned by Colored Trustees. and for which no rent is paid.
   This building accomodates about two hundred and fifty scholars and will probably be available for future use. for a school.
   The building is not adapted for school purposes. the scholars being in one room - creating confusion during recitations.
   There are no School houses under process of erection or