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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Assistant Commissioner State of North Carolina.
Raleigh, N.C., March 9th, 1867.

Lieut Col Stephen Moore
Supt. East District
New Berne N.C.


By direction of the Actg Asst Comr I herewith return your requisition for rations approved Referring to your suggestion in regard to the supply for Murfreesboro. I have the honor to inform you that the only depot nearest to Murfreesboro is Raleigh, but when it is taken into consideration that supplies are received here only from New Berne and the time expense and labor of repacking it is not thought that there would be any expense saved by shipping from here.

Very respectfully
Your obdt servant
Jacob F Chur
Bt Lieut Col.

SB. L 320