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Galerie Darthea Speyer

Paris November 2, 1971
6 rue Jacques Callot, Paris 6, Téléphone 033 78-41

Mr;Robert Reid,
233 Lafayette St,
New York, 

Dear Mr.Reid,

I was certainly pleased to see your paintings recently on exhibit at the American Cultural Center. I have always liked your work and it was a pleasure to see your most recent pictures. 

Colette Roberts had often spoken to me about you. I had lunch with her in late June, before I left for the summer, and I was very upset to hear about her death when I returned to Paris in the fall. 

With the best regards, 


Darthea Speyer
Darthea Speyer. 

S.à.r.l. au capital de 300 000 F  Registre de commerce Seine 67 B 3891