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LOGGER'S SHEET            108
Logger: Gretchen Brodtman
Reel Number: 3 of 9       Stage: AFS
Date: 6/26/88             Presentor: Margarita Mazo
Group Name: Public Service & Public Responsibility
Region/Style: Soviet Performers (Estonians)

Margarita Mazo- ethnomusicologist, DC
Ants Taul
Johannes Taul } Estonian duo- bagpipes.
Olga Manichkina [Peitek Kork?- Estonaina translator]
Maria Koliadin
Varvara Hodykina  > Southern Russian (near Ukraine)
                    Podserednee, Belgorod Province

1. MM 15 diff republics make up Soviet Union- music varies widely.
   280 million people more than half in Russian republic
2. regional groups w/in each republic.
   Estonian performance (modify traditional [[inst?]].)
3. women from South Russian   play- bagpipe
   [[music note symbol]] dance tune from He island in Baltic Sea
4. [[downward arrow]]
   for couples to be dancing
5. MM- why are instruments [[Sealskin-Noland?]] ?
   JT- A. has primitive bagpipe (sealskin-island
   dogskins, pig bladder- inland)
6. Fox convenient- right size. Fate brought them for- hit in their car 
   newer version of bagpipe
7. Transmission from places.
8. Estonian- Fino- Ubrick language related to Finnish & Hungarian
9. Can play instrument in the cold- condensed water on sealskin out of tune. bellows on complete inst [[?]] prevents this
10. AEJT tune inst. bag, whistle w/ finger holes & lung part 
    move reed- shorter or longer to change tune
11. demonstrated difference- slides need to show
12. [[music note symbol]]
13. three Soviet women- improvisation- like Jazz 
    simultaneous improv- more than one part. 
"Behind the Hall"- OLGA solo then _________
then Maria joined in
overlapping & blending parts
Regional vs nat'l folklore-
difference- Govt sponsored versions of official folk perf.
Official people tell them to keep traditions

Transcription Notes:
I have a few symbols and words I couldn't make out.