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July 24th

Dear Emmy Lou:

I've decided that what ever family needs is a deaf and dumb peasant, unsophisticated and past the glamour stage and ambitions for herself--liking security more than complete independence---A good sense of humor helps and she should still be able to bend over and philosophical enough but to crab when it hurts a little...

The creative urge almost impels me to start a book on "Lessons on Adolensence" and Vice-versa"..
Chapter I--First Childhood VS Second Childhood
Chapter II--- Baths vs Arrid and Why
Chapter III... TV vs Sleep. especially, the Roller Derby (Its pure mayhem which works off aggressions for the viewer!)

Well, that gives you an idea for the start. However, as dad said this morning, we can see improvements. Like coming in to ask politely about a slight change in the schedule for a good reason. Granted. Saying good morning without being told. Saying thank you oftener than usual. No sulking lately. Really trying ,we think. So that is after all, what counts.

Last night Donald came over to return the typewriter and staid for supper. I really wish you could see my three small angel food cake with blackberry jam on it --dad complained later that Dona;d [[Donald]] should not have given him the cake when he asked for it---not to mention gobs of toasted French bread with jam--

Well, as I said to dad-- I can remember with blushes things that I did when I was fifteen that cap anything that I have seen Jonny do--and he agreed that Jonny was far ahead of him at the same age.... so it is well to recall you past sins when dealing with adult-child relations!!!???

I am glad that you have a friend who may be able to coax Jonny into human associations as I think he needs that more than almost anything and the Armautoffs sound like people he could enjoy. We have had the Stanislawski's here for supper one night and we four are chuckling over Jon's reply when Doris asked him what he planned to do with his music--maybe teach??? No, he could not let considerations of money stifle his creativity in composition --- or words to that effect....

He is inclined to not want to work after his lesson on Sat [[strikethrough: SM--]] it is now at 1 PM -- He wants to look at that Roller Derby so much that he is willing to see the first half at 9 AM [[right margin: (Sat AM. only)]] if I will let him look at the last half Sunday just before bedtime ( Half hr.) They push each other off the skates and the doctor comes running--as I say, I guess it is a healthy way to work off aggressions and I can just see that Dr stooping over the lot of us ???

So much for Jonny--we had the Stanislawskis and Garsts in for dinner Monday night and he served the plates from the kitchen while I filled them and then did the dishes without comment--a lot of them--then went in to practice and work in his room--but how did he hate to "dress up" abd take a bath ahead of time!! But he did it.

[[left margin]] Jonny saw the review of Bill Jones' record album Jan enjoys Donald & neive played bridge a few times after supper - Jon learns fast as youd expect - [[/left margin]]