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THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MUSEUM OF ART ALUMNI MEMORIAL HALL ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48104 August 19, 1969 Mr. Germain Seligman Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc. 5 East 57th Street New York, New York 10022 Dear Mr. Seligman: We are sending you under separate cover a copy of the exhibition catalogue "The World of Voltaire" which has just come off the press. This will serve as a continued memorial to our colleague, Professor Paul Grigaut, and it is a great satisfaction to us all that it was possible to hold the exhibition and to publish the catalogue in reasonable complete form. If you wish additional copies of the catalogue, we will be very glad to supply them to you on request. I would like to express to you our gratitude for the cooperation of Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc. for lending so generously from its collection for this exhibition. Your interest and assistance is deeply appreciated. Sincerely, Charles H. Sawyer Charles H. Sawyer Director CHS:mp