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tacitly know there is a game being played.

The real question is condensed into the fact that the amounts generally are too small to justify proceeding against property from five to five hundred dollars, but mostly below fifty. To send out and search the prairies for a horse or beef belonging to a debtor and turn it or either into money is so
impracticable that the parties know if used intend to use it to their profit. And they know the inability of a squad of soldiers to do that sort of work. They will also plead homestead and stay laws, and all the other subterfuges taken advantage of in such cases. I hold the constitution of the United States is silent as to imprisonment for debt, and silent as to imprisonment for debt, and silent as to stay laws, also as to homestead exemption.

The insignificance of the judgments, if property alone can be proceeded against will annull the effectiveness of the Bureau, and I must have at least a full company to enable me to be effective.

I also hold, that as long as the unit of habeas corpus is suspended, attachment of the person is perfectly legal. If property alone is to be proceeded against, the only chance of success is in making the costs so heavy that the party proceeded against will be deterred from permitting it.

The only sense of fear I am possessed of is that of doing wrong. You once questioned me

Transcription Notes:
removed hard line breaks