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Corsicana May the 5th 1867

Lt J.T Kirkman A.A.A. General

I feel it my duty to announce to you, that Mr John Williamson Gov. Agent at this place met with a Sad accident on yesterday in the discharge of his duty.

He had been, at the Solicitation of Some of our best citizens, on a visit to their plantations to See and instruct the Planters & Freedmen in their respective duties; and on yesterday evening just as he road upon the public Square in this place in company with Some of our planters his horse became unruly, reared up (as we call it) and fell back upon Mr Williamson breaking both bones of the left leg, about 3 or 4 inches above the ancle bone

Mr Williamson is doing as well as could be expected — He has the medical aid of Dr. William Kern who stands high in this community — He is also at a good place - will be cared for, all attention that could be desired will be given to him

Allow me to Say, that I think Mr Williamson is discharging his duties faithfully — He Seems to be promptly, actively, and enerjectly engaged  I hope he will be able in a Short time to enter upon the discharge