Viewing page 28 of 212

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[[preprinted]] 22 [[/preprinted]]
Monday, July 27, 1914
B 38064 short
|191|9|K0|   |
|192|3|F5|   |
|193|4|B9|   |
|194|3|F0|   |
|195|1|K2|another star south?|
|196|1|A2|   |
|197|1|G0|The s.p. of two|
|198|3|B8|   |
|199|2|G0|   |
|200|1|G5|   |
|201|1|K0|   |
|202|2|G5|   |
|203|3|K0|   |
|204|5|K0|   |
|205|3|G5|   |
|206|3|A0|   |
|207|2|G5|   |
|208|2|K0|   |
|209|5|A0|   |
|210|3|G8|   |
|211|6|K0|   |
|212|7|A0|   |
|213|4|A2|   |
|214|6|K0|   |
|215|2|G0|   |
|216|10|K0|   |

Transcription Notes:
Y's in Class column should be G's and H's should be F's Maybe have a few transcription errors. Did not include check marks next to numbers. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-18 05:55:25 needs table formatting with bars. See completed pages for examples. Y's in Class column should be G's and H's should be F's ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-18 21:20:49 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-18 21:22:54 needs preprinted tags per Phaedra special instructions. This is a 4 column table. See first row for correct format. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-19 08:27:38 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-19 08:34:34 Y's in Class column should be G's and H's should be F's