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2 [[symbol checkmark]] #33 Ferry Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, October 22nd, 1907 Messrs. Frederick Keppel & Company, #4, East 39th Street, New York, N.Y. Gentlemen:- On my return home, I found the two etchings by Zorn. Enclosed herewith, please find draft on New York payable to your order for $110. in settlement of your bill for the etchings. Yesterday, I received the etching by Whistler sent on approval, and hope for time tomorrow or next day in which to compare it with the other impressions of the same plate already in my collection. As soon as this is done, I will give you my decision as to whether or not I shall purchase it. Thanking you for your courtesy, I remain. Yours very truly, Charles L Freer
Transcription Notes:
first letter of word in the first sentence is obscured -- looks as though "Z" written to correct first letter