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FREEDOMWAYS                  SECOND QUARTER 1973

upon undoing the harm done to the German image through two world wars. The objective was to establish cooperative and peaceful relations with all peoples. 

"It is especially sensitive to the impact that Nazi Germany, with its 'master race' ideology, had had upon the world and it is determined to help remove racism as a force in the world today. This has been its objective from the very beginning."
The GDR also turns its attention to the racist encounter, the annihilation of "people whose eyes are oddly made" when it expresses its "indignation at the atrocities committed by the U.S. in Viet Nam."
That black Americans should be surprised at Nixon's mass bombing vendetta against the Vietnamese, against the poor in his antihumanitarian efforts to block domestic social reform, by any means necessary, shows that they are becoming unwitting victims more and more of their own apathy, their own disinterest in world affairs, a near sighted view of their importance and stake in the growth of (possibly) a democratic country. 

Lightfoot's book should be required reading, so that some hope can be shed upon the pitiful state in which black people find themselves, so that blacks will discover that there are places in this world where racism is being annihilated ("before it's too late, before you are six or seven or eight").

We need only to take a working blueprint from this book, since the major cities of this country have black school systems, black teachers, black pupils, who have the power, from a new enlightenment, to change the direction of this country's domestic and foreign policies. 

Black history courses are not developed for the uses and betterment of blacks alone, but to hold to the light the truths of varied cultural contributions in the evolution of a true democracy, and to scourge a racism built upon white supremacy.

Madeline W. Murphy
Reprinted from the Afro-American


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-21 17:54:20