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All Official Letters to this Office must be addressed to the "Second Auditor of the Treasury," and in replying to Letters from this Office the initials on the upper left-hand corner should be referred to. Treasury Department. Second Auditor's Office December 14, 1875 Sir: I am in receipt of the papers forwarded by you in the case of Anna Johnson, claimant, - care of Jeremiah Johnson, Co. I. 27th Regt U.S.C.T. Letter No. 622913. This action of Maj. Howe is proper and we will retain the money until satisfactory evidence of identity is presented to him, or to his office. Very Respectfully E.B. French Auditor G H.C.H. Gen. Thos. M. Vincent Asst. Adjt. Gen. U.S.A. War Dept.
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