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LAW OFFICE OF WITT & CORBALEY, S.W. Cor. Washington and Meridian Sts. B.F. Witt. Wm. H. Corbaley, Notary Public. Indianapolis, Ind., Dec 20th 1875 Genl. A.P. Howe No174 1/2 Fourth St. Louisville Ky General: I return herewith the papers of Sally Teague with my notarial authority. I further respectfully state that Miss Teague was in the country and I could not get to see her until today. She states that she does not know a single person in your city (Louisville) therefore it would be great expense to her to have to take her witnesses from here to there. Is there not some other means of paying her the money without subjecting her to so great an expense? In fact she is very poor and has not the means to take herself there. Could the money not be sent her Express [[strikethrough]]or[[/strikethrough]] draft or through the U.S. Pension Agent at this place? As the time you mentioned (over)
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Reopened for Editing 2024-07-21 06:22:56