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May 16  1865
coffin of little Willie.  This was done & the Dr. brought the violets with the note to Mrs. Lincoln.
Gov. Aiken has just been here.
20th Sun.  Jef. Davis is at Fortress Monroe.  His wife & children are with him.  There is to be a grand review of the whole army on Tuesday & Wednesday of this week.
22nd  We have been as busy as the busiest sort of bees preparing to receive guests who wish to see the Review.
We have with us Mr. & Mrs. Dickerson & child from New York and Mr. Patterson. son & two daughters from Phil.  We expect others tomorrow.  The city is thronged with strangers.  Com. & Mrs. Shubric were here just before tea with Mr. Walter.  Mr. ___ ___ the artist engaged in the fresco painting ^upon the dome of the capitol called in the morning to ask Father for some pictures of electrical machines  He wished to introduce one into his decorations.  Nell has come home with ^Frank
22  We have witnessed this day a
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May  [[underlined]]1865 [[underlined]]
spectacle which we must ever remember the Review of one half of our great army.  The Army of the Patomac with Sheridan cavalry.  We went at an early hour to the Treasury building to take possession of a room of the Light House Board which had been reserved for us & the other families of the officers of the Board.  We made our way with difficulty through the crowded streets.  Every window & balcony on the avenue was crowded with spectators. and at the upper end of the street near the Treasury a covered platform had been erected for the accommodation of a certain number of the eager expectants of the procession.  Our window commanded an entire view of the broad avenue almost to the steps of the Capitol.  From one end of it to the other we could see the advancing columns of the men who had fought bravely & well in the defense of the Union and who [[strikethrough]] [[presently?]] [[/strikethrough]]
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