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46 St. Lucia 46.
before bedtime the messenger arrived with some mail. Ruth got three letters from her family, and I got letters from Mother, Tim Gressitt, and two concerning my thesis, from Jan Moore, Sam Riego, and R.L. Post, Ward's Nat. fee; Est.
V-8-36 Continued with the accounts, and Ruth helped. We had a long argument about the proper ways to keep our account. Neither could see the others points at all. Finally gave it up.
  In the afternoon we went collecting together on the motorcycle. Stopped first at [[underline]] Station 230. [[/underline]]
Same as sta 221. In cocoa pods found 232 Staphs (Pristinae-1, [[underline]] Phelanthus [[/underline]]-6, Paederniae-2, [[underline]] Capraporus [[/underline]]-123, Aleocharinae-100), 1 Carabid, 11 Hydrophilids, 23 Nitidulids, 1 weevil, 19 Scalylids, 28 other Coleaptera, 24 forfeivlids, etc.
  After tea we went down again to the stumps mentioned on page 45. This is [[underline]] station 220. [[/underline]] Found 41 Staphs (Pristinae-34, another very slender same-3, Amalienae-1, [[underline]] Platystethus [[/underline]]-1, [[underline]] Coproporus [[/underline]]-1, Aleocharinae-1), 19 Hydrophilids, 1 Scalylid, and 3 Forficulids. The [[underline]] Platystethus [[/underline]] is the first I've seen, but quite similar to this genus [[guess?]]. The Amahinae [[guess?]] is a very flat but broad (not parallel) species like some of the flower species. The Coproporus seems new.
  Spent the evening reading a mystery story. [[end page]]
[[start page]] 47
V-9-36 Wrote letters to R.L. Post, J. Moore, Soe. Ent. France, Stanley John, and a card to Rev. Oscar Blackwelder in Washington. Rode to town to mail these (12 with Ruth's), and on the way stopped to climb a hill and take a [[underline]] photo [[/underline]] of the Petit Piton.
  After lunch Ruth and I went collecting again. [[underline]] Station 231. [[/underline]]
Between sta. 221 and sta. 227. In cocoa pods found 628 Staphs (Pristinae-11, Paederniae-16, Stilui [[guess?]]-1, [[underline]] Philanthus [[/underline]]-10, [[underline]] Coproporus [[/underline]]-236, Aleocharmiae-354), 25 Hydrophilids, 2 Histerids, 63 Nitidulids [[guess?]], 1 Ostormid, 67 other Coliaptera, 8 Forficulido, etc. The island total is now 3385, and the trip total 9900.
V-10-36 In the morning wrote letters to Arner [[guess?]] in Trinidad, Jester in Barbados, the AAA, Tim Gressitt, and Paul Avery (started). The weather was good but we didn't go out at all. After lunch I read to Ruth for a while and then worked on stamps. After I typed the letters, and after supper read aloud from a mystery story to Ruth.
  Miss duBoulay brought some local newspapers with the first definite news of the collapse of (Ethiopia) Abyssinia. They record the sacking of Addis Ababa and the flight of Haile Lelassie into French Somaliland and then aboard a British ship.