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Dominica 7.

he isn't entirely satisfied. Current here costs 30cents a kilowatt.
V-27-36 Spent nearly all day on stamps. Bought quite a bunch from a boy whom we suspect of selling [[underline]]for[[/underline]] Mr. MacIntyre at the Treasury. He had a great many medium value stamps at a reasonable price. The boat is due [[stricken]]tomorrow[[/stricken]] tonight (S.S. M.C. Holen), but the mail won't be distributed till tomorrow.
V-28-36 Got some mail this morning. Letters from Buchanan, Voris,[[stricken]]and[[/stricken]] Ting, and E.B. The latter sent back the copy of MS on Reply to an Editorial. He considered it OK, and Ferrie is submitting it to AESA. There was a package for me at the Customs, but it turned out to motor parts from Ison. The Treasurer refused to let it in free, so I went to see Coals-Lartique. He said it was a proper ruling. I'm getting now so I don't expect any help from the government, -- I'll be lucky if they just don't hinder me any further.
Worked on stamps again to get my mind off the Customs. Bought a package of Guadeloupe and Martinique,-- mostly duplicates.
The radio man came back to install a special line for our radio. No meter-flat rate of $1.50 a month. It took me a long time to make him see what a simple job it was, but he finally did get through. The parts cost 2 shillings.
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V-29-36 In the morning Ruth and I went collecting on the motor. We stopped in a citrus grove near the Boery River to collect in dung.
[[underlined]]Station 236.[[/underlined]]
1/4 mile north of Boery River, at its mouth. On dung found 30 Staphs ([[underlined]]onytelus[[/underlined]]-26, Paederinae-1, Philanthus-1 and 1, Aleocharinae-1), 1 Sphaeridiinae, and 104 [[underlined]]Aphodius[[/underlined]]. In flowers took 5 small black weevils.
Rain made us come home early. Ruth didn't feel very well in the afternoon, and I read to her some. Also drew the map on the next page, from one loaned me by Mr. Tanernier. It was taken from a rather old book, but is the only thing available except the chart.
Mr. Archer told me that my experience with the Customs was quite typical. He told several other wild ones. However, I found out that there will be no trouble over the microscope, as the law allows all scientific instruments free.!
Signed the book at Government House.
V-30-36 Decoration Day. Stayed home today, but can blame that on threatening weather. Have a lot of insects waiting to be packed, but am waiting for the microscope. It may come tomorrow on the Lady boat. Went to bed early, as Ruth was rather tired.