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Dominica 19.

VI-14-36 Sunday. Corpus Christi Celebration. Both the S.S. Lady Nelson and the S.S. Lady Hawkins came in today. About ten o'clock we got some mail, letters from the McCoys; Paul AVery, EB and JBB, Watson, and Post. Still have hopes for Wetmore's letter -- if it was registered it would have held till tomorrow. I finished letters to Ed and B. Benesh.
Rather rainy as usual of late.
VI-15-36 {see next page}
VI-16-36 Went to the Treasury and found a big parcel of Second Class Mail. It was admitted free. Also got a package from Harry Loon. It contained piston rings and two wrenches. Hadn't expected such a package, but I paid the two shillings duty anyway. No sign of the pen from St. Lucia or the letter from Westmore.
 The parcel of 2nd class contained for me: 4 Sciences, 1 Ent. News, 1 Pan-Pan Ent., 1 B.S.L. Lyon, etc., also Annuals de la Sur. Lim. de Lyon. This has list of members with my name, but not as a life member! Spent the day reading and cataloguing. There was also a paper by Pete Ting.
VI-17-36 Rode up the Rosean River valley this morning.
[[underline]]Station 244.[[/underline]]
A 2 1/2 miles east of Rosean, in the Rosean Valley. Sifting fallen leaves found 5 Paederinae (2 species), 2 Torficulids, 1 pseudoscorpion, and 4 species of ants. In and B under excrement found 8 Staphs ([[underline]]Aleochara [[/underline]] - 2, other Aleocharinae - 6, sp.), 61 Hydrophilids, 2 Torficulids. The [[underline]]Aleocharas[[/underline]] differ considerably in size.
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[[underline]]Station 245.[[/underline]]
Two miles east of Rosean; 1/2 mile west of station 244. In dung took 127 Staphs ([[underline]]Onytelus[[/underline]]-121, Paederimas-1, Aleocharinae-5, 77 Aphodius, and 2 Caprinae. The aspirator helped greatly again.
These bring the island total to 1612.
In the afternoon sorted + counted Staphs, and packed some in voile. Ruth had a bad headache and I read to her from Paul de Kruil's Men Against Death.
VII-15-36 I apparently got mixed up on dates and left this day out entirely. Monday. We waited hopefully for more mail, but none came. The S.S. Nerissa came in from the south at 1 P.M., and I went aboard her with Mr. Archer. The Purser, Mr. Beam said he had found out about extending our Guadeloupe ticket but not about the St. Thomas one. He'll do it this trip though. Went down to see the barber, and got ten Baby Ruth candy bars. Back for lunch. We had ice cream with tea today. !!
 Went walking again up east of town. Caught a few small beetles, but no Staphs. This was sta. 243. There were several Chrysomelids and a Lampyrid. Will put them in with the previous lot.
VI-18-36 Hot and rainy today. I felt so lazy that it tired me greatly! Did little but read, put in a few stamps and sit around wishing there was something to do. Both of us are not too
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