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Tuesday, December 24, 1912.
     Toembit, Kalei R., Borneo.

      Arise 5:30 & with Si Bait go inland; get the pig I shot last night. The Dyaks helped skin it & they quickly disposed of the meat. It was slow work thinning the skin with no sciving knife.
     About subset, I went inland with Si Loie to wait at a mudhole for lembu but after waiting for 4 hours & not getting anything but bites from mosquitos and ants, we returned to the kampong. 

Wednesday, December 25, 1912.
     Kalei R.

     Arose at daybreak at Toembit & about 7:00 A.M. started down the river stopping at the house of La Wing & going through the jungle to the house of bini Si Long Bii where I waited for my boys & took a few pictures, one of a pretty Dyak girl named Si Song.
     Paddled down the river but slowly as we were towing bamboo for masts & booms for the sepit; stopped on a sandy bank to eat & then continued by moonlight, reaching the Tandjong about 3:30 A.M.

Saturday, January 4, 1913.
     Tandjong Redeb.

     Leave Tandjong Redeb at dusk in Sepit with Ambang, Adow & Enok, starting down the river.