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May 16, 1914.

Do some errands, some writing, and pack my alcoholics into a big iron can. Showers during the afternoon.

May 17, 1914.

Dry specimens between showers and do some writing.

By the steamer which arrived this morning, receive a topographical chart of Celebes from Batavia.

Late in the afternoon show Mr. Gray some of my specimens and spend the evening with him.

May 18, 1914.

Spend the whole day in the boat wrapping and packing specimens. It seems impossible to get many paste-board boxes and without them packing is made very troublesome. 

During the early evening, go to Mr. Blakeman's and watch some Malay boys wrestle. 

Most all day has been hot though we did have a couple of light showers this afternoon.

May 19, 1914.

Solder some cans and air and dry specimens and hunt up some packing materials.

Get my cartridges from the customs house which were shipped me last September from the Smithsonian; they have been laying here for six months and both times before when I asked the shipping agent and the customs officer, they said they know nothing of them.
This time there was a new agent who had ambition enough to hunt

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