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3610 - Heliconia - 1 1/2 m. bracts broad - keeled - boat-like - greenish yellow turning pinkish with age - flowers pubescent, prominently exserted - pale yellow-tipped dark green - stamens exserted - (see pickle) [[circled]] 6 [[/circled]]

3611 - Heliconia rostrata R.&P. (Heliconia platystachys Baker in Standley Fl. Canal Zone). Stout plants to 3 1/2 [[m?]] canes silvery grey - inflorescences pendulous, bracts red with yellow tips & margins - rachis yellow - flowers with tips exserted - yellow - fruits blue - common - [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]]

Vicinity of La Chorrera - 100 m. 7/31/46

3612 - Tree -^[[Coumarouna panamensis]]  legume - 25 m. flowers pink - (see pickle)[[circled]] 50 [[/circled]]

Rio Las Lajas - Panama Province - 20 m. 8/4/46

3613 - Bignoniac - fls. rose pink - liana [[circled]] 11 [[/circled]]

El Valle - 600 m. vcty. Finca Tomas Arias - 8/5/46

3614 - Heliconia - Dense clumps - 3 1/2 - 4 m. inflorescences penduous - rachis dark red - bracts dark red - fls. yellow - ^[[tips exserted]] fruits blue - base of leaves acuminate - common - (see pickle)  [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] bracteols present

3615 - Heliconia - 3-4 m. undersides of leaves purple inflorescence erect - terminal on long stalk - 1 1/2 m. or basal as in renealmia - bracts slender - dark green - fls. ^[[large]] rose pink - with white tips - fruits ^[[dark blue]] [[strikethrough]] green [[/strikethrough]] - fls. prominently exserted - bracteols present - (see pickle) Base of leaves acuminate  Fruits dark blue - [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]]

Transcription Notes:
At 3611, Standley Fl. Canal Zone, I think refers to "Flora of the Panama Canal Zone" Paul C. Standley 1900, 1928,(also 1967 and 1968) U.S.G.P.O.