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Wednesday June 13th  

Immediately after Breakfast as soon as the decks had been washed down The Booby Hatch and all other available places were occupied and the days performance commenced with whist in the evening a dance on deck finished the day. 
Lat 3"22 Longitude 114"40'  
Thursday June 14th 

The trade winds are tapering off and our expectations are that tomorrow or the next day we shall leave a calm, The Fiddle and the Bow is in operation this evening and the dance is going on with apparently as much interest as though the Sex were present. The weather being damp and cold
I turned in between decks to have some sleep but sleep there was none, a political discussion going on, the name of John P Hale was introduced and three cheers and a like number of groans ^[[were given for that man and]]which proved to be a signal for all the noise to commence, for immediately as if by previous arrangement the most outrageous abominable noise that ever was conceived commenced Tin pans, whistles Barrels fifes and every thing capable of producing discord was brought into requisition, and each one seemed to vie with his neighbour in producing the most discord, it continued till twelve and was resumed again at four in the morning, Latitude

Friday June 15th
The debating Society held its final meeting this p.m. and the discussion was resumed on the inspiration of the Bible, This meeting was very interesting and the disputants on both sides, showed that they felt interested in the subject and their points were argued with much ability and force - after the debate was closed, a vote of all present was taken on the question and the result was, seventy five in the affirmative and twenty five in the negative.