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How eager each mortal did long to receive it
As poised on the rail they their basins did dip
Not the bell for their breakfast would tempt them to leave it
Twas filld with the waters olde Neptune doth sip
But now tis removed from its lone situation
The voice of regret speaks the Capitol tale
And fancy doth picture its moist apparation
Which but recently laid on the Ships monkey rail
The olde leather bucket

Monday July 2nd
The Wind has hauld to the N. East and we are heading NN.W. we are anxiously waiting for a fair wind

Tuesday July 3rd
Early this morning a Sail was discovered about two points of the lee bow much to our surprise. She was under reefd top Sails, while we were dashing along with the top gallants we were soon abeam of her, and  exchanged signals we made her the Ship Daniel Webster of N York we walkd right past her, and like her illustrious namesake She has been all day in chase of the Capitol, the comt on the celebration of the Fourth called the passengers together this afternoon, to ascertain their feelings in regard to a celebration, it was voted that we have a celebration and that the comt. proceed with their arrangements, the wind has knockd us off again and we head N.W. 
Lat 28"11, Lon 134"45

[[underlined]] Wednesday July 4th [[/underlined]]
The great and glorious Fourth, ushered into existence as it will be this morning, by Ringing of bells, firing of cannon, and other demonstrations of public rejoicing which will burst spontaneously from a Free and Independent people, in which millions of Freemen will participate, has been ushered into existence on board the Capitol, with Thunder of a Smaller calibre, and not