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Altitude of college plan Canal 220 feet above tide above the canal 160 feet Total - 380 feet This is the altitude of the step of the academy [[faint pencil]] My Father [[?]] in 1834 [[?]] vol 1 [[/faint pencil]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 1 Oct 8th - 1839 [[margin]] exp. [[/margin]] Repeated the exp of Davy according to the variation of Nobele [[underlined]] ie [[/underlined]] by passing down on a surface of clean mercury two wires at an obtuse angle thus [[pen drawing – positive and negative wires in pool of liquid]] when the current from one of the divisions of the large battery was pressed through a whirling was observed between the points of the wire ^[[and a slight depression at each point]] Nobele says in this arrangement the plus omission is produced with less galvanic power than in the arrangement of Davy where the wires are pressed through the bottom of the vessel containing the mercury and terminate below the surface The action however I did not find very energetic. [[margin]] exp. [[/margin]] Repeated the exp according to the method of Davy--made a small box by cutting out the surface of a square block [[margin]] Davy, Exp. [[/margin]]to the depth of about 1/4 of cm wide, passed through the bottom of this two wires so that the points (amalgamated) just came through the same-trough used in the last exp, now gave a much more rapid motion of whirling, and threw up over the points a small cone of mercury. The [[underline]] cone was projected from each wire. [[/underline]] The whirling appeared to be with the [[?]] around the hole from [[underline]] zinc [[/underline]] ^[[negative]] and in the opposite direction around that from the copper (positive) [[underline]] M B [[/underline]] The cones in the last exp arrangement and the depression in this first appear to be due to the repulsive action discovered by Ampere, which exists between the consecutive parts of the same current. [[end page]]