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took a short nap. and at eveng went to bed early. but awakened about 3 P.M and wrote these notes.
October 4. [[red underline]] Albert [[/red underline]] reports transmission of my car does not shift. and seems burned or [[wrenched?]]. He worked all day on it without avail. I dictated letters all morning. Afternoon Mr. Pietruski here. Fetched him with carriage from Heany and brought him back to Cortland. He tells me knows [[red underline]] Schweitzer [[/red underline]] and the latter gave him his position. [[red underline]] This explains whence he got his inspiration [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] in his articles against Bakelite [[/red underline]] which appeared in [[G?]]Zeitung  Seems more friendly now and will try to do better in future. Came to propose to publish american edition of Chemiker Ztg.  Warned him of difficulties and advised against. [[red underline]] Tessie, George [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] at supper.  Tessie stays here over night. Warm pleasant weather.
Oct. 5. Warm pleasant weather. Very busy dictating. Hageman came here. showed me two bottles of [[Carnotun?]] hypochlorites obtained by adding some boric acid and some permanganite so as to tint it red and the boric acid so as to put the HClO nearer to expulsion
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