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[[heading]] 1885. New York Office - Orders [[/heading]]
Apr. 4th
Ship to N.Y. Office
1 Set of Movts. as samples to be placed in show case.
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Apr. 6th.
Ship to N.Y. Office
1 #58 Clock, 10in. Deep red Mahogany Case.
Soon as possible. $50.-
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[[margin, underlined]] B.S. May 6th [[/margin]]
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Apr. 6th
N.Y. Office for Court House,
Wheeling, W.Va.
4 Illuminated Dials, 8ft. Put up $500.-
Ship to Jacob W. Grubb,
Wheeling, W. Va.
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[[margin, underlined]] B.S. May 14th [[/margin]]
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Apr. 6th
[[strikethrough]] N.Y. Office for Childs, Phila. Pa. $350.- [[/strikethrough]]
1 #1 Time Part Tower Clock,
Ship to Geo. W. Childs, Bryn Mawr, Pa.
1 #0 Striking Tower Clock,
4- 3ft. Wooden Dials, black with gilt hands.
To be put up complete with 300 lb. bell
Send angle irons to fasten the dials to the small dial holes in tower.
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[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Apr. 21st [[/margin]]
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