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[[heading]] 1885. New York Office - Orders [[/heading]]
Sept. 30th.  [[insertion]] Order changed Oct 19/85 [[/insertion]]
Ship to Newport, Ky.
for County Court House
1 #2 Striking Tower Clock
Number of dials - 4
Diam ""[[dittos for: of dials]]  5ft. 6in.
Thickness ""[[dittos for: of dials]] Illuminated
Square of tower   15ft.
Dials above or below clock floor - above
Clock floor to centre of dials - 35 [[strikethrough]] to 40ft. [[/strikethrough]]
Bell above or below the clock - above
"""""[[dittos for: Bell above or below the]] dials - below
Weight of bell - 1000lbs
Fall for weight - 35 [[strikethrough]] to 50 [[/strikethrough]]
Hands & figs. to be gilt or black
Name of building - Court House
Grav. Escpmt.  Comp. Pend.
4- 5ft. 6in. Ill dials
1- 1000lb Bell. Put up complete, but no carpenter work [[insertion]] or piping [[/insertion]] $1,075.-
Charge O.W. Root, Newport, Ky
Gas Regulator.
[[insertion]] Have silvered plate put on clock bed, with following "Furnished by Louis C. Eisenschmidt, Jeweler, cor York & Madison Sts. Newport, Ky. [[/insertion]]
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Oct.28th [[/margin]]
[[margin]] Time 14 days Ex. 64.80 [[/margin]]
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Oct. 5th
Ship to N.Y. Office & chge T. New, N.Y.
1 Watch Clock for 1 Watchman, Reg. Movt. Programme Contact, Battery & 15 Stations,
Put up complete at 20th St. & Ave. B.  Net. $306.25
Send clock at once, & they will wire building when ready.
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Oct.12th [[/margin]]
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Oct. 14th
Ship to N.Y. Office
1 #11 Clock, Mark glass F.D.N.Y.
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Oct.17th [[/margin]]
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