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[[preprinted]] 114 [[/preprinted]]
[[top margin]] Dominican Rep. 7. [[/top margin]]

edge of a storm but didn't actually run into any rain. From Moca to Santiago there is a fine pavement. It was very welcome. I arrived at 5:30, making it in 3 3/4 hours. The Hotel Mercedes is almost the only building in town over two stories high. It is four. It is reputed to be the best hotel in the Republic, and I'd be surprised to find as good a one anywhere else. The ground floor is mostly taken up with the dining room which seats 150. There are uniformed porters and waiters, and a very complete table service. Every person has an individual GE water bottle from the refrigerator. The second floor and third contain approximately fifty rooms, of which about two-thirds have private bath. There is running water in every room, and [[underlined]] hot [[/underlined]] bath or shower available. The fourth floor is a single room about sixty feet square, and open on all sides. It is practically a roof garden, and it gives a fine view of the city. 
I felt a little sick after dinner, perhaps had a little fever, so went to bed immediately. Didn't sleep well, in spite of the Simmons Mattress. I was too tired to sample the hot bath. 
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[[preprinted]] 115 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] IX-4-35 [[/margin]]
Felt better this morning but decided to [[margin]] J [[/margin]] rest all day. Found this a rather tiring occupation! There are [[underline]] no [[/underline]] American magazines or papers in town, and only one or two radios. (Damn this pen!) It's hard to get along at meals without speaking some Spanish. At breakfast, I managed to get fruit-juice and scrambled eggs, but had to turn down [[strikeout]] beef steak, etc. For lunch they wished to give me a five course dinner, but I managed to keep down to soup, chicken, and orange juice. In AM. went walking to see the town. Passed the church and climbed up the hill to the radio station where there is a good view. Then I came back and wrote letters, and notes. About three o'clock I met in the lobby Mr Haines who had been at the Hotel Sans Souci last week. He remembered me and we talked a while. He drove over on Sunday too, started at four o'clock. Had trouble on the way and I must have passed him as he reached S.D. later than I. It was nice to meet another American. He talks a little big, but is pleasant anyway. The clerk took me over to get a copy of a map issued by a local tobacco company. It covers the Rep. and seems very good. [[end page]]