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Memoranda for Report.
- Meterology -
- Unalashka -
Prevalent winds at seasons.
Winds go with the sun NE. S.W. NW. usually; Veniaminoff corrob. The reverse exceptional.
Winds in port often fallacious as regards wind outside.
Effect of mountains, upon the winds
Effect of winds on vegetation, trees.
Mean temps of months & seasons.
Amount of rain. Rain with Southerly winds, while NE & N are clear. Winds & barometer - High var., after SE, low, S & W.
Effects of rain & freezing on porhyrites leaving harder dykes as pinnacles; and reefs = do. [[ditto for: Effects of rain & freezing on reefs]] action of sea. Summer vegetations.
Contradictory working of barom. high in rainy weather & vice versa  
Ice in harbor - Temp of water at surface &c  Effect of river water

Transcription Notes:
Obscured page is fully transcribed on both page 24 & 25 of project