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[[preprinted]] 48 [[/preprinted]] Grenada 16.

[[margin]] I-21-36 [[/margin]] In the morning took a lunch and rode along the main road east of St. Georges, a little beyond Grenville, and returned the same route. Stopped first just south of Grenville at the beach. It is of black sand, but has some seaweed and much trash on it. Couldn't find any beetles. Next stop was

[[underlined]] Station 151. [[/underlined]]

One mile northeast of Grenville on Telescope peninsula. In dung took a large series. Of Staphs [[superscript]] (47) [[/superscript]]: many [[underlined]] Philonthus [[/underlined]], Orcytelinae, Paederinae, and Aleocharinae. Also two species of [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]], the flat dirty Coprinae, one Histerid, and a few small Sphaeridiinae. [[margin]][[underlined]] Photo #63 [[/underlined]][[/margin]] Worked 1 1/2 hours here. 

On return stopped again at the beach. Found one [[underlined]] Cafius [[/underlined]], but it escaped. Could find no others, but it was high tide. Took a sample of sand for E.B. (1 1/2 mi. s. of Grenville).

[[underlined]] Station 152. [[/underlined]]

Milepost 16 (from St. Georges) on road to Grenville. In fungus, took two or [[underlined]] three [[/underlined] specimens of a red Aleocharinae, a large number of a small cylindrical beetles, many black mites, and a pseudoscorpion. A ♀ Lampyrid was resting on the fungus. 

Stopped here for lunch in a cocoa patch, but there had been no recent cutting. 

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[[preprinted]] 49 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Station 153. [[/underlined]]

Milepost 10 1/2 (from St. Georges) on road to Grenville. [[margin]] A [[/margin]] In freshly cut cocoa pods took 210 Staphylinids, including 15 [[underlined]] Coproporus [[/underlined]], 8 [[underlined]] Philonthus [[/underlined]], 165 [[underlined]] Bledius [[/underlined]], and 22 Aleocharinae. Also 2 Sphaeridiinae, 4 Cucujidae, 2 ants, 1 other beetle, and 4 larvae. 

[[margin]] B [[/margin]] In old blackened pods I found 13 of the flat Piestinae with long antennae, 5 1/2 mm. beetles, 2 larvae, and 1 Forficulid.

Stopped on way home just above the town to take a photo of the Carenage. Exp. 1/50 & 28.

Got home about 2:30, and found there had been some mail. The [[strikethrough]] galley [[/strikethrough]] page proof of my thesis had come, and as there is a boat out at nine tomorrow, I decided to finish it by then. I found quite a few minor errors, and also a few omissions from the plates, that couldn't be corrected. I'm going to list them here. Add on Fig. 1F - [[underlined]][[strikethrough]] pta [[/strikethrough]], cp [[/underlined]]; Fig. 2C - [[underlined]] senp. [[/underlined]]; Fig. 2J - [[underlined]] mp [[/underlined]]; Fig. 3A - [[underlined]] sno, prnl, uce, mb, stes, sh [[/underlined]] (mesothoracic), ? [[underlined]] scta [[/underlined]]; Fig. 4G - dash line for [[underlined]] epms, pwp [[/underlined]]; Fig. 8F - [[underlined]] cal [[/underlined]]; Fig. 8I - [[underlined]] cal [[/underlined]]; Fig. 4F - [[underlined]] pna [[/underlined]]; Fig. 9A [[underlined]] peri [[/underlined]]; Fig. 9B or 9C - [[underlined]] st.9 [[/underlined]]; Fig. 28E - [[underlined]] sp. 8 [[/underlined]]. Other errors are: [[underlined]] prss [[/underlined]] on Fig. 3A should read [[underlined]] stes [[/underlined]]; [[underlined]] stes [[/underlined]] on mesothorax of Fig. 3A should read [[underlined]] sss [[/underlined]]; [[underlined]] sctt [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] sclt [[/underlined]] are referred to in the text but [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] the parts are not shown in any figure (3A or 4F);