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[[preprinted]] 62 [[/preprinted]] St. Vincent 1.

We anchored off Kingstown, St. Vincent, about five o'clock.  After asking the first officer -Mr. Dunette- to take special care of the motor, we came ashore in a rowboat-5/- for us and the baggage. The letter to [[insert]] the [[/insert]] consul got us by the Customs without a moments delay, and we met Mr. Davis from the Pelican Hotel, who escorted us to the hotel two blocks down the waterfront.  The hotel was full, but as five people were leaving on the Nerissa we could have a room later.  I discovered that I had forgotten to mail on board the letter to S.I., so I had to go aboard again.  After dinner we moved into the room overlooking the beach,-rather small but not as bad as might easily be.

[[margin]] I-31-36 [[/margin]]
Early in the morning I went to the Customs to see about the motorcycle and trunk.  The clerk thought I could pay $105 deposit on the motor but I thought differently.  So it was referred to the Treasurer; who decided I wouldn't have to pay anything for a temporary visit.  I went to the warehouse to get the trunk, and had it taken to the hotel.  Then I went to the Chief of Police to inquire about licenses.  He was very pleasant, but decided to talk to the Treasurer about it.  The letter from the Administrator, which I showed

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them, apparently settled the matter, and they decided to give me both licenses free, or more correctly to give me permission to use the motor without extra licenses.  I then went to the warehouse again and unpacked the motor.  The two front braces had again come off, in spite of my extra care in packing.  No damage apparently.
This took all morning, and the afternoon was spent chiefly in unpacking, and writing notes.  After tea Ruth and I walked about the town, and found it quite different from St. George's.  In the evening I wrote letters to the Societe [[strikethrough]] de [[/strikethrough]] Linneise de Lyon (who had sent me a bill for subscriptions!), Don Frizzell, and Ferrie.  
Mrs. Davis, the manager of the hotel, told us their rates are 10/- per day.  That seemed very high, but their reduction for [[insert]] a [[/insert]] month [[strikethrough]] ly [[/strikethrough]] brings it way down,-$40 a month, and for that we can also have the small room next to ours.