Viewing page 36 of 81

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[[preprinted]] 66 [[/preprinted]] St. Vincent 5.

[[column 1]]
Medon ingulatus Cam.
Aderocharis conifer Cam.
Scopaeus simplicuollis Cam.
     auripilis Cam.
Cryptodium marinellum Bnks.
Paederomimus interjectus Bnks. 
Philonthus varians Er.
     ventralis Grav.
Belonuchus caelestinus Bnks.
Xantholinus ablenuatus Er.

[[underline]] Mustique [[/underline]]
Pinophilus vermiformis Cam.
Stiliopsis circumflenus Cam.
Echiaster lucphthalmus Cam.

[[underline]] Grenada [[/underline]]
Thoracophorus guadaloupensis Cam.
Trogophlaeus smithi Bnkr.
       varicornis Bnkr.
Parosus skalitskyi Bnkr.
Thinobius nitidulus Bnkr.
       miricornis Cam.
Megalops humeralis Cam.
       laevinentris Cam.
Stenus lucens Cam.

[[/column 1]]

[[column 2]]

Stiliopsis auripilis Cam.
Stamnoderus varians Cam.
Monista personata Cam.
Echiaster waterhousii Cam.
       impressicollis Cam.
Stilius agnatus Cam.
Thinocharis fuscina Cam.
       smithi Cam.
Medon cingulatus Cam.
Aderocharis obscurior Cam.
Lithoeharis hilaris Shp.
Scopaeus simphiicollis Cam.
       umbra Shp.
       angusticollis Cam.
       auripilis Cam.
Cryptolium fuhirpes Er.

[[underline]] Trinidad [[/underline]]
Lithocharis curtulus Er.
Xantholinus hydrocephalus Ful.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 67 [[/preprinted]]
In the afternoon while Ruth took a nap I took the motorcycle to explore the roads leading out of town. I went up the steep hill to Fort Charlotte, overlooking the town and bay as well as the Grenadines. The view is very fine, and the fort itself quite interesting. Over an arch is a plaque with the carved date 1806. However it appears to have been a little crudely superimposed on another number. The 1806 is rather fresh compared to the other.

I followed for a short distance the Leeward Road and then the Windward Road.

One of the most striking things about this town is the number of cripples. Many have lost one or both legs, and I [[insertion]] ^ have [[/insertion]] seen many deformities.

We went to Hazell's to see if there was any mail, but there won't be a boat till the 9th. Ruth went to the library (a Carnegie endowed) and brought back Beebe's - Beneath Tropic Seas. We are both reading it, rather critically.

After dinner we had a call from the Rev. & Mrs. Hatch, to whom Ruth had sent a letter of [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] introduction from the Jackson's. They seemed very pleasant, and didn't stay too long!