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[[preprinted]] 76 [[/preprinted]] St. Vincent 15. [[underline]] Station 165. [[/underline]] Hillside overlooking Pembroke Estate in the Buccament Valley, about 5 miles north of Kingstown. In cow dung I took [[strikethrough]] 120 [[/strikethrough]] 111 Staphs ([[underline]] Philonthus [[/underline]] -2, [[underline]] Oxytelus [[/underline]] -108, Aleocharinae -1), 3 Sphaeridiinae, 32 Aphodiinae, etc. One of the workmen [[insertion]] ^ (Victor Williams) [[/insertion]] came by to see what I was doing, and stayed for some time to "help." I arranged with him to spot some wood-lice nests and show them to me on Sunday next. I rode on a short distance past Rutland Vale Village and returned to the Buccament River. [[underline]] Station 166. [[/underline]] Near highway bridge over the Buccament River, about 6 miles north of Kingstown. Under stones along the river found 30 Staphs ([[underline]] Quedius [[/underline]] -3, Lathrobia -1, Paederinae -4, Aleocharinae -22), [[strikethrough]] Carabid [[/strikethrough]] 3 Carabids. 7 hemispherical beetles, etc. I ate my lunch here before I started collecting, and came home afterwards through a light rain without stopping again. Spent the rest of the afternoon and evening washing and sorting stamps and reading Liberty. I've been rather surprising myself lately by liking most of Bernarr MacFaddin's editorials. I don't know why I didn't expect to. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 77 [[/preprinted]] [[margin]] II-7-36 [[/margin]] In order to test the spark coil of the motor, I reversed the spark plug leads. No improvement or change. I'm now convinced that the trouble is loss of compression due to leaky piston rings, and this accounts both for the oil above the piston and the excess of oil in the chain case. I'll write to Harry Ison for new rings and try to find someone in Barbados to help me install them. After lunch rode along the Vigie Road to Akers and the Marriaqua Valley, joining the main road about one mile north of the Yambu River, or at the 10¾ milepost. This country is rather densely populated and almost entirely cultivated. I stopped and climbed several hills, from which a wonderful view was had, but no places to collect. [[underline]] Station 167. [[/underline]] Four miles from the main road at Greathead Bay on the Vigie Road, county of St. George. A [[strikethrough]] S [[/strikethrough]] steep hillside overlooking the Marriaqua Valley. In cow dung found nothing but 3 Coprinae. Might be able to do some collecting along the Yambu River, either at its mouth or about a mile up the northern branch. The roads in this area are very poor but more plentiful than in any other part of the island. Sugar cane and cotton are the chief crops.