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 St. Vincent 37. 

On the way up it had rained lightly for half an hour, enough to soak the vegetation and my boots. My clothes were thoroughly wet with perspiration before I got up to the open ridge where the breeze was very welcome. Clouds hid the higher mountains when I started. But by the time I reached the top it had cleared off and was unusually clear for this peak, as I'm told. By twelve, however, my special time seemed to be over, as the clouds rolled in again and the peak was hidden from view all during my descent. I took photographs of the mountains to the south [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] (exp. 1/100 & 16), three of the crater (one double exposure, second 1/100 & 12, third 1/100 & 11), and then started back. Just below the rim I found a few "bugs" under "moss."
[[underline]] Station 183. [[/underline]]
200 feet below the south-east rim of Soufriere; 1/2 mile east of sta. 182. Under the matting of small plants and roots found one myriapod, an ant, and an isopod.
[[underline]] Station 184. [[/underline]]
1/4 mile southeast of sta. 183, several hundred feet farther down the mountain. Under stones in a dry creek bottom took 2 Carabids [[strikethrough]] only [[/strikethrough]] and a spider. 
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I picked up a sample of cinders and one of ash from the rim of the crater and one or two other pieces a little farther down. 
From a distance the top parts of the mountain seem to be without vegetation, but actually they are covered with a mat of tiny yellow-brown plants, and there are occasional small tree ferns. The inside of the crater is quite green where the steep slopes are not covered with slides and talus. 
The descent was uneventful. I was very glad I had boots, because of the thick cinders. I was getting somewhat thirsty and soon developed a blister on one toe. I got back to Georgetown in 1 3/4 hours from the top, reported to the Police Station, took a photograph of the Public Library, and came home in 1 1/4 hours more. I didn't feel very tired, though my eyes were a little tired from the sunlight.
[[margin]] II-21-36 [[/margin]] Was quite sore and stiff this morning and felt like little but sitting around and reading. Did manage to label the specimens of the last week. Mail was due today but we got none. At the post office I talked for a few minutes to a man who has been up Soufriere several times. He told of a party of four fellows who swam