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[[preprinted]] 102 [[/preprinted]] St. Vincent 41, final.

One the way down took one of the Public Library. I didn't record the exposures of any of these.

Packed the box of books, filing cards, & clothing to go back to Washington.

[[margin]] II-25-36 [[/margin]] A very busy day to make up for yesterday. Packed the trunk and motor in the morning, and sent them off at noon. Arranged to have the box sent to Washington, packed the rest of everything before tea, and went on board the Nerissa about 5:30. At about 7:30 Mr. & Mrs. Hatch came aboard and had dinner with us. (It cost us $3.00 extra.) They stayed till nine-thirty.

The waiter we had was very unsatisfactory. He was English, and gave us very poor service.

We sailed at 10 P.M. for Barbados.

[[underline]] Station 186. [[/underline]]
The Pelican Hotel, Kingstown, St. Vincent. A few things taken flying, [[strikethrough]]and w[[strikethrough]]and 2 Scarabs in a chandelier. Also a large palm weevil flying in the street. [[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 103 [[/preprinted]] Barbados 1.

[[margin]] II-26-36 [[/margin]] Reached Bridgetown, Barbados at 6:30 A.M. After seeing the Immigration Officers at 7:00, and having breakfast at 7:30, we came ashore in the first launch. The lady at the Tourist Association gave us several places to try for a place to live, and we took a taxi to look them over. They were all quite expensive, so we came back. Then she phoned to Miss Harford at Highgate Guest House, and found we could stay for $50 a month apiece. She sent her car for us and we took our baggage which was passed by the Customs after a short delay. Highgate House is about two miles out, on top of the hill, with a view and fine breezes. We got a large room and decided to stay. After a 1:30 lunch I went to town, just in time to get a Driver's License for 60ยข and some Scott's Emulsion for Ruth. Miss Harford had given me a ride down in her car, and I had some trouble getting rid of her.

Meals are all very late here, breakfast at 8 A.M., lunch at 1 to 1:30, tea from 4:30 to 5:30, and dinner at 8 P.M. As many people downtown have "breakfast" around ten or eleven and close their offices, this is a rather inconvenient schedule.