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[[preprinted]] 106 [[/preprinted]] Barbados 4.

only breaks in the landscape of cane. A few cattle were seen, but always by the roadside, never in pastures or corrals.

The nearest thing to native vegetation is said to be found in the parish of St. Andrew. Around the coast are cliffs of limestone and obvious terraces. I thought they were old beaches, but Tucker says the most recent theory is that they are the result of a combination of thrusts. The fossils are the same of all the levels, and this is said to show that they couldn't have been successive beaches. In this soft limestone terraces are easily made and I'm inclined to doubt the "latest theory".

We passed one of the water supplies. There is a [[strikethrough]] sta [[/strikethrough]] pumping station over a shaft said to be 50 to 100 feet deep. One can go down in a bucket and walk about in a very extensive cavern beneath.

After we got back I went to the warehouse to arrange for the motorcycle crate. One of the men agreed to bring it up to the house on a handcart for 11 shillings (round-trip). They (3 of them) arrived an hour later, pretty tired. It gives me a fine opportunity to make repairs on the crate before the next trip. 

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[[preprinted]] 107 [[/preprinted]]

[[margin]] II-29-36 [[/margin]]
Leap Year's Day. I went to town, mailed some letters at the Post Office, and asked a policeman the way to the Museum. He had never heard of it, so I went to the Dept of Agriculture and got directions. The Barbados Museum is housed in the buildings of the Garrison near the Savannah, I found Mr. Shilstone there, and was enthusiastically showed all around. The insects collections are old and dirty, and contain specimens from places other than Barbados, sometimes labelled, sometimes not. A large collection of Barbados butterflies is included without any data, but including specimens of South American butterflies which were blown here in a great north-east storm some years ago. I found about a dozen Staphs in one box; mostly small and fragmentary, but definitely including a [[underline]] Cafius [[/underline]], and labelled as such! There is a good set of corals, sea ferns, crabs, etc., with a superb specimen of white brain coral, about 14" in diameter and perfectly formed. A collection of identified fossils, a case of 25 or 30 mounted birds, a few historical objects, a collection of native woods, the relics from a Carib kitchen-midden, etc. complete the inventory. The museum is of course short of money and interest, but have a fine new set of display cases, made