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[[preprinted]] 110 [[/preprinted]] Barbados 8.

[[margin]] III-3-36 [[/margin]] Went out on the farmstead here at Highgate and collected for an hour in dung.

[[underlined]] Station 188. [[/underlined]]
Highgate Guest House, 2 miles east of Bridgetown.
In dung took 180 Staphs (Paederinae-7, [[underlined]] Oxytelus [[/underlined]]-105, Xantholininae-3, [[underlined]] Aleochara [[/underlined]]-5, Aleocharinae, 3 sp.-60), 26 Sphaeridiinae; 1 Histerid, 10 
[[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]] and another sp. 33, 1 other beetle, and 9 ants.

In the afternoon I prepared for mailing three packages of samples for EB. Also sorted out specimens and empty bottles, etc, etc.

[[margin]] III-4-36 [[/margin]] Spent most of the day putting away specimens. Have not finished yet. Went to town to mail letters and packages. Check has not arrived at the bank. Several days ago I copied the map on page 127 from a tourist folder. Mr. Shilstone phoned to report no success in his first effort to get a car. Mr. Tucker phoned to ask if I cared to accompany them again, this time to St. Lucy parish, on Friday. I accepted.

[[margin]] III-5-36 [[/margin]] Walked down the hill to the Savannah, near the Museum, to collect.

[[underlined]] Station 189. [[/underlined]]
The Savannah, Bridgetown, Barbados. In dung found 34 Staphs (Paederinae-1, Xantholininae-1, [[underlined]] Philonthus [[/underlined]]-1, [[underlined]] Aleochara [[/underlined]]-23, Aleocharinae-8),

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[[preprinted]] 111 [[/preprinted]] 

1 Histerid, 21 [[underlined]] Aphoduis [[/underlined]] and 13 Forficulids.
These were taken in rather dry dung, nothing at all being found in fresh.
From here I walked down to the beach.

[[underlined]] Station 190. [[/underlined]]
A small narrow beach just south of Needham Pt., Bridgetown. Under the scant seaweed I found a single [[underlined]] Cafius. [[/underlined]]

I came home by bus, but had a phone call from the Consulate that there was mail, so I went back down. There where letters from Bailey, [[strikethrough]] Wetmore [[/strikethrough]], Ed, and Hicks. When I got home I found a letter from Wetmore forwarded from the bank-against my instructions! We spent the afternoon discussing Wetmore's letter and what we could do about it. It suggests a curtailing of the program to fit the money available, and request a discussion of the present status. Ed says he may be able to send a microscope. That will be swell if he does. Bailey sends a bill for $90 for the crate! I had authorized him to the extent of $50, so it was quite a shock. I guess our schedule will be rather unsteady from now on. After June anything might happen to our plans.