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[[preprinted]] 118 [[/preprinted]] Barbados 16. 

[[margin]] III-12-36 [[/margin]] Got another "early" start today but stopped to leave some shoes to be fixed and get some gas. We followed the same route as yesterday except for a detour past St. Matthews Church, Exchange and Applewhaites. We were told that the road from Horse Hill to Bruce Vale was under repair, so we went on down the hill as before, turned to the left and then to the right and continued over the hills into St. Andrews parish near Hopewell. Stopped to look at a curious rock formation 1/2 mile east of Hopewell. [[margin]][[underlined]] Photo #89 [[/underlined]][[/margin]] It turned out to be the top of a very small anticline, with marls, limestone, and "sandstone" exposed. Apparently there had been a coal or manjak mine there. I took a few specimens of the rocks for EB. There is supposed to be an oil well near by somewhere. This parish is called Little Scotland. The view is very fine for this island, but not the least bit tropical. Limestone beds twisted and upturned outcrop all over the valley, and the whole colour scheme is one of browns. 

[[underlined]] Station 195. [[/underlined]]
Junction of Bathsheba road with Highway #2 in St. Andrews parish; bridge over unnamed river. Under dung found 51 Staphs ([[underlined]] Oxytelus [[/underlined]]-1, Paederinae-1 and 2, Xantholininae-4, [[underlined]] Philonthus [[/underlined]]-11, 

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[[preprinted]] 119 [[/preprinted]]

Aleocharinae-32 (four spp.)), 11 [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]], 1 minute Histerid, and 1 Sphaeridiinae. I tried to collect along the stream but could find nothing. The water and the banks stank terribly, and the water was full of little wriggling red worms!

About two miles further on we stopped at 
[[underlined]] Station 196. [[/underlined]]
St. Andrews Church on highway #2 in central eastern St. Andrews parish. In dung found only 3 Staphs (Paederinae-1, [[underlined]] Aleochara [[/underlined]]-2), and 3 [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]].

From here the road climbs rapidly up over the ridge, passing several windmill-driven factories, and emerges as highway #1B onto the Leeward side of the island and the cane fields. We turned off to the right and followed by-roads into St. Lucy parish, joining highway #1 near the Springhall Estate, where I had been with Tucker. We followed this and a by-road to the northeast coast at River Bay. This is
[[underlined]] Station 197. [[/underlined]]
River Bay, on northeast coast of St. Lucy parish. On a small gravel beach found 1 [[underlined]] Cafius [[/underlined]] and 1 brown Carabid. In a tide pool we saw many small fish and managed to catch seven tiny stupid ones and one large pale one. These were in sand basins exposed to every tide.