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Barbados 20.
[[margin]] III-13-36 [[/margin]]
We both felt a little tired today so we decided to stay home and rest. Spent the morning counting specimens and writing in journals. Also went to town to get a book from the library and letter at the Consulate (it was stamps from Wilfred in Grenada). At 4:30 we met Mr. Jester at the Yacht Club and went swimming. Afterward we went over to the Aquatic Club pavilion and had cocktails.
[[margin]][[underlined]] Photo #90 [[/underlined]][[/margin]] 
I had a ginger ale and a lime squeeze; Ruth had a ginger ale and a rum cocktail; and later regretted the latter. Mr. Jester told us a lot about customs in these islands and urged us to try to meet more people. He said that signing the guest book at Government House is expected of all visitors and can be done quickly. It may or may not involve one later in society. He apparently thought it would and should. He also urged us to visit the American Consuls in each island, and various local officials. He thought that they would be of much service to us, but was unable to tell us how we could get out of time-consuming engagements. We have concluded that the best way is to not lay ourselves open to more invitations than necessary.
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[[preprinted]] 123 [[/preprinted]]
He offered to write the Consular agent in St. Lucia to reserve a room for us and have a car to meet us at the pier the night we land- at midnight. His name is [[insert]] Mr. [[/insert]] Peter. He also told us of two men in Dominica whom we should meet. They were Knowlton and [[insert]] Andrew [[/insert]] Green.

[[margin]] III-14-36 [[/margin]]
We went out again today and took our lunch. We followed highways #2 [[insert]] & 2A [[/insert]] and turned off on a secondary road which led to Black Bess Estate and others, but failed to take up through to the rider road.
Finding no place to stop we came [[insert]]([[underlined]]Photo [[/underlined]] of windmill) [[/insert]] back down the same road and continued northward on route #2 A.
[[underlined]] Station 198 [[/underlined]]
Whitehall Estate in parish of St. Peter. Along the [[margin]] A [[/margin] edge of a small pond, in dung, [[insert]] we [[/insert]] found 26 Staphs (Xantholininae-23, [[underlined]] Philonthus [[/underlined]] - 2 and 1), 1 Histerid, 1 Dryopid, 14 [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]] and 3 Forficulids. On the [[margin]] B [[/margin]] mud bank I found (partly by splashing water on the mud) 29 Staphs (Oxytelinae [[insert]] ? [[/insert]] -19, Staphylininae-5, Aleocharinae-5), 3 Dryopids, 4 Hydrophilids, etc.
A large number of frogs and tadpoles were in evidence, and I took one tiny fish.
From here we followed highway 1B over into the parish of St. Andrew.  The first place we found to stop was a small river bottom where cattle were tethered. One negro woman yelled