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Sun Ap 14th
A day we afterwards knew to be fateful...The Titanic Wreck and how strange that we and all the world felt no tremblings of fate and horror.  Of course we did not know it till the nex[[t?]] noon..I wrote and did usual chores and went to the Mallet Prevost's to lunch with Francesca. Clayton Johns there and all ve[[ry?]] pleasant...Off to Phila in the 6.34 train and to Lewis's without events.
Mon Ap 15th
Got on pretty well. Went in eve with H and S to nice concer[[t?]] The Kneisel.  Anne getting on very well.
Tues Ap 16th
Newbold as usual.  Don't remember these days but are unimportant.  Drove alone to the park if I remember right.
No one speaks of anything but the great horror.  A most unjust and unnecessary blunder or rather stupid reckless [[underlined]]carelessness of everything but SPEED for the rich.[[/underlined]]
I am keeping the record.
Wed Ap 17th
Went home at three so as to be able to rest for the Rumsey's dinner.  Anna met and how nice to get back.
Charming time at the din Sat by my host.  Fine talk.
Durand there whom I have not seen for long as he never comes 
a young artist Faulkner on other side.  Mr. Rumsey came afte[[r?]] to talk more also Durand.  Delightful eve.
Thurs Ap 18th
Took holiday and hat and other things and was quite tired out.  Nothing much else happened.  No signs of Wilkie but I learned after that he is quite ill.