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Fri Ap 19th.
Mrs. K and working on head.  Rest and go in car with G'
The Childs dinner in eve.  Funny little house way up town.the Couderst.. and Dr. Patterson.  sat next. and to the ho
Very jolly. and hospitable but learned that JLw was ill again.  Of course everyone talking of the Titanic.  It gets worse and worse..   Anna came for me and I had car only one way.
Sat Ap 20th
Mrs. K and I called up Miss Brown to ask after L.L.W. Out she said but had been very sick.  In aft just before I left nice note from him. written before...
Off in three train and got off at W. P. Jim on platform and went out with.  Dear H to meet and swet eve.. near him.
Some music.  Bed early. and pretty good rest.
[[parenthesis]][[handwritten]] a p 21st[[/handwritten]] Sunday.  My H as fresh as the morning and ready f for sawing wood in the field on which I accompanyhied him
Working out all day. over their beloved place..
Dear H more wonde fllyand clear eyed all the time.  What a husband..He saw me to train after din in eve. and I got home very weel for dear Jim met me in station and took me to 1914. I wish I could be as happy about him.[[/parenthesis]]
[[line across page]]
Mon 22d April.
At it again and beginning very difficult hand.
He very jolly and acc modating.
Back to rest and too tired to go to Jaynes party. To hosp in car iage to see dear Anne. so much better.
SI dining with Caroline Sinkler. I did no see.
To the Lansdales to din Prof Jonson Englishman who lecture at Jaynes and wf. and Eliza Cope.  Jolly time only talking of Titanic. of course.  To a concert and not very good
A man took Maria and me to have icecream after. and me home.
[[first part of parenthesis]]    
All nice people but everything here seems gloomy and depressing to me. If it were not for my Harry I would wish never o see the placeagain.[[/first part of parenthesis]]