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[[preprinted]] May Friday, 2 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Today has been a national holiday commemorating the brave stand the people made when Napoleon took the city of Madrid. 
Weather has favored them too and we have had a most beautiful day.
Much cavalry and foot have past the house today for the different parades
Painted on Dianni this A.M. and on a comp. this afternoon Mr. Hooker left for Cordova tonight
As I thought the Spaniard has written me a letter sticking in a lot of extra which make it come to nearer six and a half than five.
If the jews are the Lords chosen people about all Europe fits in on that alright.

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[[preprinted]] May Saturday, 3 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Worked all day at Prado Got a haircut. Forgot to fee the lobster that cut it so probably he take skin and all next time, but Ive got some weeks to live at any rate from the flea bitten appearance of my head.
A bit tired thank you.
Got a letter from the kid