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[[image - A globe resting on clouds]]

World's Columbian Commission.

Administration Building,

Chicago, Ill. U.S.A. [[/preprinted]] [[typed on line]] Nov. 1, 1893 [[/on line]]

J. C. Hemphill, Esq.,
Charleston, S. C.

Dear Mr. Hemphill:
Your favor reached me in due time, and would have been replied to before but for the great pressure of business in closing up here. I am sorry sickness prevented me from seeing so little of you when you were here.
The fossils in the collection in the Mining Building, belonging to the State, have been ordered sent from here to the Augusta Exposition. I don't think that Mass' Ben would allow them to go to Washington; if it was in my power I would gladly comply with your request.
Hoping to see you soon, I remain,
Yours truly,
^[[E L Roche]]