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[[underlined]] May 5 [[/underlined]] Wadsworth, Nev.
Onychomys; [[female symbol]] im. stomach full of insects, not identified
Dipodomys: [[male symbol]] ad. stomach full of seeds and a little green stuff
Same seeds in pouches, saved.
Dipodomys: Stomach full of mostly seeds, a little green stuff
Sper. mollis: [[female symbol]] ad. missing.
Stomach intestines distended with green herbage - only 
Bladder [[strikethrough]] full [[/strikethrough]] empty
[[underlined]] Sper. mollis [[/underlined]], [[female symbol]] ad. Same as last. Killed yesterday, not nursing. Bladder full.
S. leucurus [[female symbol]] May 4 AM has had 6 young,
Stomach full of mostly green foliage, a little indeterminate.   
bladder empty.
[[underlined]] S. leucurus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] May 4, 9 AM. Stomach with a little green stuff & unripe seeds, bladder full.
Poor, genital organs immense
Dipodomys: [[male symbol]] May 4,
Stomach mostly black seeds with shells & green stuff - seeds or leaves - some other seeds
Bladder empty, 
genital organs congested -

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Dipodomys [[female symbol]] May 4,
embryos - small.
Stomach full of green leaves & white seeds, black seed shells in guts.
Bladder empty
[[underlined]] Dipodomys [[/underlined]]: [[male symbol]] May 4 Stomach half full of mostly green herbage, some black seed shells,
Bladder full.
Genital organs congested.
Dipodomys [[female symbol]] ad. May 5. seeds only 
Bladder full
[[underlined]] Wadsworth [[/underlined]] 
Dipodomys merriami
Perognathus nevadensis
Thomomys 1 im. (O)
Ammospermophilus leucas
Spermophilus mollis, seen
Lepus tex., com
Canis latrans 2
Taxidea, com

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]]. -@siobhanleachman