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[[pre-printed dates and headings]]

Wea.     FRI. JULY 22, 1927     Ther.
I posed for big drawing in Pic. R. story.  I to Huntington.

Wea.     SATURDAY 23     Ther.
Cloud burst, & very dark.  A to Huntington, got water etc.  I lying down most of day.

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Wea.     SUN. JULY 24, 1927     Ther. 
Up early, started on second Pic. R. drawing at 8.30, I posing for two figures.  Blacks here in P.M.

Wea.     MONDAY 25 ^[[(S)]]    Ther.
Posed.  A finished & mailed Pic. R. drawings - called Steinmetz up.  I cleaned up boat - slept.  We sat in cock pit in the cool of the evening.