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[[preprinted]] NOVEMBER  TUESDAY-9 [[/preprinted]]

Both tired after that jam, & loafing. A to see Mr Karls apt. over garage for rent. decide not to take it. Both to yacht club, got curtains & gave to Roselles
A put up white dirk on Al's dock, Both took naps. Big thunder storm.
A to Huntington for pipe for yacht Club stove & chop suey. I writing to Dottie.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY-10 [[/preprinted]]

Telegram from Mother saying Cousin Henry died Sunday. I called up Chub.
Another story for Everybodys, A did it & sent off on 4 P.M. mail
I sent little note to Helen Bonnell on same mail. I to Huntington, got magnifying glass for A, buttons for coat & marketed. A & I to look at the Karl Apt. decided not to take it.

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[[preprinted]] NOVEMBER  THURSDAY-11 [[/preprinted]]

Letters from Alfy & Chub.
A working on male drawing for Youths Companion
I made curtains to hang behind mast. Both cleaned out lots of stuff & took it to tin boat & Club Closet.
I made A some brown jersey B.V.D's. Both to store met John & asked him in for a drink. He commented upon ^[[insertion]] our [[/insertion]] renting apt. "If you put $25.00 in a barrel every month, & add some water to it in the spring you'll have enough to live on for some time.
Dr. Bates' book came in eve. mail.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY-12 [[/preprinted]]

I posed for all figures in male drawings - both working all day.

Transcription Notes:
There is no need to transcribe the prep-printed reference material that appears at the bottom of the page, but please note any handwritten comments. -quinnk, Archives of American Art